Felicia Pasculli, LSW


Felicia Pasculli, LSW is a licensed social worker*. She specializes in anxiety disorders, depression, major life transitions and couples. She is trained in levels 1 & 2 of the Gottman Method.

*NJ's Licensing Board requires all LSWs in private practice, regardless of years of experience, to work under supervision for 2 years.

If you are struggling with anxiety, depression or going through a major life transition and wonder whether you should talk to someone, the answer is "yes."

If you're anything like the rest of us, you might have convinced yourself that your problems are "too small" for therapy or that you should be able to get better on your own if you just put your mind to it. Or, you're holding off on starting therapy because you're worried you will say something that will be judged or criticized. You might wonder if therapy can even help.

I'm so glad you're here. Working with me is an opportunity to explore what is keeping you down and holding you back, and to open the door to brighter, less "heavy" days.

About Me

Searching for a therapist isn't easy. I want to assure you that you are in a safe space when you work with me.

I understand the importance of setting goals, taking emotional risks, and trusting our innate ability to make healthy choices.

I use evidence-based treatments and alternate among them based on each client's needs. My training and experience includes Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), preferred by clients who are data-driven and don't mind homework; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), preferred by clients who want a more relational approach to learning how to cope with what can't be changed and control what can be controlled; and the Gottman Method, which is widely thought to be the gold standard for couples counseling.

Trusting a therapist to walk with you when you are at your most vulnerable is a huge step. I would be honored to show you how much better life can be.